Uloopi: The Forgotten Snake Queen
Author: Victor J.
Genre: Romantic Mythic Women’s Fiction book.
When a chaste woman offers herself to a man, she expects to be loved and cherished.
However, what should she do when the very person she offered herself to marry another?
It is a painful and confusing situation that can leave her feeling lost and alone. But it’s important to remember that the actions of others do not define a woman’s worth. She deserves love, respect, and happiness and should never settle for less.
Doesn’t she have the right to feel cheated, especially when the man told her that he didn’t want to marry and then went ahead and married someone else just a few days later?
Should she just let it pass? Or should she avenge the injustice?
Why should a woman always have to make sacrifices and bow to a man’s wishes? Why can’t she have a more equitable relationship?
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of ‘Mythical Mystical Beauties of India,’ a book series that explores the stories of ancient, powerful women from India. Book 1, written by the talented author Victor J., tells the enchanting tale of
Uloopi: The Forgotten Snake Queen.
The story transports you back in time to a world where love was innocent and pure, and a person’s word and honor were intertwined, laying the foundation of their existence. As you venture through the pages of this captivating book, you’ll be swept away by the vivid imagery and richly woven plot that brings the story to life.
The tale revolves around Uloopi, a woman of unmatched beauty and strength who also happens to be the queen of snakes. Her heart is captivated by Arjuna, the renowned archer and one of the Pandava brothers, known for his chivalry, courage, and compassion.
However, her admiration and love are not reciprocated, and Arjuna turns down her advances. Going against the norm, Uloopi proposes to him, but he refuses her.
To Uloopi’s dismay, Arjuna soon married a princess from another kingdom, leaving her heartbroken and bewildered. The question that remained was, why did Arjuna break his promise to Uloopi, who was deserving of his love and devotion?
Did Uloopi feel betrayed by Arjuna, and did she seek revenge against the great archer? How did she manage to trick Arjuna’s son into fighting against his father? Who emerged victorious in the battle between father and son? Ultimately, did Arjuna meet his demise, finally allowing Uloopi to exact her revenge after years of waiting?
Immerse yourself in a fascinating true story that offers a captivating glimpse into and underlines the remarkable inner strength and resilience of women spanning across different eras. This fascinating read highlights the often-overlooked power of women and their ability to overcome adversity. Be prepared to be captivated by the story’s inspiring tale of perseverance, sacrifice, love, and a woman’s high moral character.
Moreover, get excited about the upcoming release of the next book in the series, which promises to be just as invigorating and thought-provoking as the first.
Happy reading!